Saturday, February 28, 2009

Another - hopefully my last post BNBLV blog!

What a crazy weird Beer N Blog we had the other day. With a lot of the regulars out of town, sick and / or busy, it opened up to a new cast of characters.

I was tired as hell from a 12 hour work day on Wednesday and wasn't anticipating staying too late. But as the evening wore on, the fun just continued. We had three or four waves of new folks that came in pairs and bunches, with a lot of humor and interest in the BNB.

Many snarky tweets aimed at the absentees and of course lots of beer. We all did our part to consume extra quantities to make up for our missing allies. I had some Shiner Bocks and Rogue Hazelnut, Stormy joined in with a few Guinness.

As to why this will hopefully be my last post I have to do after the fact and rely on memory, well that post comes next. Stay tuned as always...

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